Christmas decorations are on display in the major retailers across the country. We all know that this is a ploy to get us thinking about buying gifts for those we love, as well as staff at the day care centre, and teachers at pre-school or kindergarten.
The cry from consumers can be heard – via the media ad Facebook posts – that October is far too early to see Christmas decorations in stores. These objections don’t stop consumers resisting the temptation to purchase some little item and put it away for someone as a Christmas gift.
In these times of religious attitudes being challenged and an increasing number of people who are either agnostic or atheists the celebration of Christmas has taken on a very different meaning in Australian society.
I could be a total Scrooge and follow those who see it as the worship of consumerism driven by retail marketing and refuse to participate in Christmas. Although, I have blocked the retail marketing from my mind and choose not to buy Christmas gifts per sē, I am one for making up my own mind.
I have adopted the view that it is a time of year for families and friends to celebrate those treasured relationships.
I love giving gifts. I am a ‘random act of kindness’ gift giver. I don’t need a special time of year to leave a little something for someone who I know would appreciate or enjoy it. I do enjoy giving birthday gifts. I generally don’t buy the gifts I give – unless it’s something I’ve picked up at a garage sale or similar place. I like to give plants that I’ve grown in pots – herbs, tomatoes, and the occasional striking or unusual flower. I like to make things – although I don’t have as much time these days to be as creative as I once was.
I used to enjoy giving something very special to my sons at Christmas and now enjoy giving something special to my grandchildren. This generally does mean making a purchase, but I could buy at any other time of the year – I just save up the giving until Christmas so that it is part of the family festivity.
I always ask what the kids need or would enjoy receiving before buying anything. My family appreciate that I wont buy what I refer to as ‘unnecessary land-fill’ gifts. I think like most people, giving something that will be enjoyed for a longer period of time and can be recycled in some way is appreciated more because of the thought that goes into selecting just the right gift.
This year I am definitely giving my 9 year-old granddaughter some objects that she can use in her imaginary play sessions and then pop them on the shelf above her bed as fun room décor. She has very diverse interests, but I thought I would start out with the city of Rotterdam. This can be a backdrop to her playtime and I know she will research where Rotterdam is, which will help her learn about the world. She will love that.
And for my friends, I have found these great little greeting cards that come as a pop out Christmas decorations to hang on a tree – some are free standing. They are twice the price of a regular greeting card, but I love that they are a sturdy décor item that will last a long time – not just a card that goes to recycling.
When it comes to decorations at home, I don’t have a tree. I prefer to hang objects of light and colour around the family and lounge rooms, where we will spend some time – usually on Boxing Day – to be together. Some of these objects I will make with my 3 year-old granddaughter – she loves displaying her art around the house, inside and out. I think this year will be more successful in the crafting of these objects as her skills have greatly improved.
In our busy lives, our interactions with family became transactional and the deeper enriching experiences of spending time together just for fun slide by the wayside. Christmas is the one time of the year when putting aside the business of life to celebrate our love for one another is worth any effort. A few Christmas decorations to create a festive mood and playful artistic décor have such a big impact in signalling that it’s a special occasion.
It’s time to start planning.